Raised Roman Catholic, Jaycen did not arrive at true saving faith until his adult years. After chasing the world and it’s offerings, God brought him to salvation during the death of a loved one. He has a burden for the lost and false converts and desires to herald the Gospel anywhere a crowd may be. When not on the streets, he enjoys the privilege of filling in the pulpit doing itinerant preaching. He’s married with 4 children who join him sometimes for evangelism. He enjoys spending time with his wife and family.

Briar was born and raised in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Much of his upbringing was within the charismatic church. He was saved around the age of 14 when he began highschool, and soon after began teaching and speaking, eventually being led away from his pentecostal upbringing. Soon after school, a member of Briar’s church exposed him to the ministry of Ray Comfort and Sye Ten Bruggencate. About that time, he also met his wife. They shared a passion for sharing the gospel and since, Briar has taken the gospel to pulpit, street corners, hospitals, and anywhere the Lord leads, often joined by his wife Jessica who supports with tract distribution, and intercession.
Briar is passionate about the gospel being proclaimed and ministers through tracts, signs, one on one, open air, or whatever the situation calls for. He frequents areas around Harrisonburg, VA including campuses and major events across the valley. When he isn’t preaching he enjoys reading, writing, drawing, and music. He loves spending time among believers.

Eric is the assistant pastor at Life Builders Fellowship in Bridgeport WV. He was raised as an unbeliever (he went to the Roman Catholic Church with his grandma sometimes) until he was 10 years old when his parents were gloriously saved. He was active in church but never really knew Christ until his early college years. Having wasted years chasing his own dreams, he realized that Christ was what his heart longed for.
One night at a small country church he surrendered to Christ and has never looked back. Eric Longs to share the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world wherever, to whomever, and whenever the Lord leads. A father of three, he now lives with his wife Lauren and his daughter Grace in Salem, WV.

Dylan loves Jesus, His church, and desires to submit to the authority of scripture in every area of life. He is the beneficiary of a beautiful, God-fearing wife, a loving family, and the council of many godly men, all by the grace of God. He enjoys reading about the lives of martyred saints, pondering the great truths of scripture, and discovering the endless implications they reveal for God’s people. The Lord has given him a passion for videography and design. Dylan believes that when good design and biblical truth are leveraged for the gospel, God is most glorified.

God showed Larry the reality of his sin using an audio bible he would listen to while driving his work truck. He is in Lynchburg, VA and a husband of 7 years and a father of 3. Larry is grateful to God for this opportunity to minister with the brothers in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Joseph has been a follower of Christ since God opened his eyes to the glorious truth of the Gospel a decade ago. Striving for sanctification through the Savior, he pursues this passionately though imperfectly. Between the personal struggle against sin and observing wickedness in the world, the wondrous hope contained within the Gospel message makes the work of Christ all the more precious for Joseph. Discovering truth in the world via nearly any topic and how God is glorified through this is one of the chief activities of him on a day-to-day basis. He aims to consistently express love in grace and truth (following the example of Christ in John 1:14) through the proclamation of the Gospel, making disciples, and assisting people in fulfilling their physical, mental, social, and (most importantly) spiritual needs. Open-air evangelism, conversations, and spurring other towards God are goals in all aspects of life for Joseph when he’s not enjoying juggling, reading, dancing, or learning in general.