There’s no doubt that open-air preaching, or street preaching, carries a certain stigma about it.  Open-air preaching done wrong seems to resonate much louder than those of us who seek to do it in a Biblical fashion.  What seems to dominate the YouTube trends are those who go out with a GoPro camera looking to pick a fight.  They are simply being a jerk on the box.  Paul refers to those who speak without love as a “clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1).

Letting the Gospel offend, and not ourselves, forces the unbeliever deal with Christ, and He’s a mighty Savior.

We wish the ethos of AppalachiaCry Ministries to be of a Biblical tone when we are publicly proclaiming the Gospel.  Our desire is to boldly and lovingly share the Gospel of Christ. While it is a given many will scoff, mock, and even get offended when their sin is exposed by the light of the Gospel, our intent is to let the Gospel offend, and not our actions.  Letting the Gospel offend is the best place to leave the unbeliever. Letting the Gospel offend, and not ourselves, forces the unbeliever deal with Christ, and He’s a mighty Savior.

I could write much more on the subject, but this video from Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity Ministries sums it up nicely.  Please take a moment and watch this video.  THIS is what your attitude should be when you proclaim the Gospel!  This is how you can be an ambassador for Christ.


Soli Deo Gloria!