CLARKSBURG – Our first night of street evangelism in downtown Clarksburg took us to the neighborhood of Glen Elk and began with much uncertainty, but ended up presenting an opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ with a woman.  We arrived with a couple folks here and there meandering around the outside of the local Mission, but no substantial crowd.  After some time, we decided to pray and setup to see what God would do.

After we arrived on the corner across from the local Mission, I was preparing to get on the box and give an open-air sermon.  God, however, had other plans.  As I was preparing my gear, Adam and Waylon setup the prayer stand, Gospel tracts, and Bibles.  Before I could get on the box, a lady from across the street noticed the prayer stand and walked over and asked, “OK, how do I do this?” “Do what?” Adam asked.  “How do I get this prayer? I need someone to pray for me.”  Adam asked about her need for prayer and we began praying.

After we were done, Adam wasted no time dropping a few exploratory questions about her faith.  Praying for someone is often a great way to gain insight into a person who just moments ago was a complete stranger.  By praying you build up a sense of trust that was not there a few moments ago and people are likely to let their guard down a bit to reveal their condition.  As Adam dug around with some basic Gospel-related questions, though she professed faith, attends a local church, and was even baptized at one point, it became clear she may not have been truly converted by her own admission.  She believed that her baptism had something to to with her salvation.  Yet after Adam explained works-righteousness, she began to understand what we were getting at.

Adam led our group in discussion with her boldly in truth, but gently in tone.  By the end of the conversation she admitted she may not be saved and that she wanted to know more about the Gospel and baptism.  Please pray for Hannah that she would turn to Christ and live.

Soli Deo Gloria!