SUMMERSVILLE, WV – Woodbine Baptist Church hosted their annual Good Friday outreach Saturday, March 30.  Due to inclement weather, it was moved to Saturday morning.  The Lord was faithful and the weather was perfect for some open-air preaching of the Gospel.

The church hosts an outreach every year on the front lawn of the Nicholas County Courthouse which is located in downtown Summersville.  3 crosses are set out on the lawn along with a small PA that church members use to sing hymns.  After a handful of hymns, it was my turn to preach.

For most of the day, the foot traffic was light.  Most folks were either headed into the local diner or headed into the barbershop for a haircut.  Though the visible foot traffic was light, the barbershop and apartments directly across the street provided a “captive” audience for the Gospel and the 1/2 mile hailer.

All in all, I preached 3 times as the church distributed tracts, sang, and greeted car traffic traveling downtown with signs displaying Bible verses.  It was good to be out preaching the word as we know it is never in vain (Isaiah 55:11) because God’s word will accomplish its purpose.

Soli Deo Gloria!